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My Dark World

Ecstasy 65 Days
In The Midst Of Darkness (Part 1)

Ecstasy 165 Days
An Eternal Obsession (Part 2) {Rebirth Edition}

Ecstasy 65 Days - English Audio
Get mesmerized by the Audio version of ecstasy 65 days in English

Ecstasy 65 Days - Audio Book Arabic
Get mesmirized by the audio version of the book Ecstasy 65 Days in Arabic

Ecstasy 65 Days
In The Midst Of Darkness (Part 1)

Ecstasy 165 Days
An Eternal Obsession (Part 2) {Rebirth Edition}

Abdulhadi Al Amshan
Abdulhadi Al Amshan was raised in Saudi Arabia, having family roots from Yemen. He was sent to a hostel away from his family at the age of 10. During his solitariness, he developed his passion for writing. At the same moment, he used to bring his imagination live through arts. He spent most of his time creating, recreating and redesigning arts to level his imagination. His fascination with the black color took him to the whole new level and thus he created "Ecstasy" to show the world how black and white colors can still be together and that life not always has to be colorful. Serenity can also be found in black and white as well.
Ecstasy 65 days - In the midst of darkness (Part I) Experience life through the eyes of a person who was surrounded by darkness from the very beginning. Every “day” in the book is about the phases we go through at least once in our lives. It is a series which the author expresses through illustrations and art. It is for people who love to let their imagination run wild. Ecstasy will also inspire people, who don’t usually read books, to start reading.

Ecstasy 165 Days - An Eternal Obsession (Part II) It's been three years since the last time we met. Tell me, isn't it beautiful to find a person who gives so much love and care to every part of you? A person who knows your happiness, sadness, wounds, and scars. A person who helps you make peace with your past, present, and future. A person who understands your pain, agony, and depression. Tell me, isn’t it beautiful to have such a person in your life? When was the last time someone gave absolute attention to every detail about you? Perhaps this is why we were destined to meet each other. Welcome back to my dark world once again. I’m going to show you something you’ve never, ever seen before because this time . . . I'm going to leave my fingerprints in your soul.
Welcome to my world
Dive into a preview of Ecstasy Part 1 & 2 here.
Words of admiration
from my beloved readers from all around the world.
انا لم اقراء اي كتاب في حياتي عندما قرأت كتاب اكستاسي ادمت عليه اجمل كتاب و اروع كتاب
تسنيم من السعودية
صراحة الكتاب ملحمه مشاعر احسه مش كتاب دا وصفه علاجيه للقلب والروح فائده للعلاقات والحياه عموما الكتاب دا اكتر كتاب غير حياتي تغير جذريا الكتاب دا سبب كل نجاح وفرحة واطمئنان انا فيها الآن اشكرك كل الشكر على ابدااااع ايها المبدع عبد الهادي
نهيلة سديم من العراق
I don't know how to describe your book cause really it's my fav one, I'm always dreaming to have a copy but I'm unlucky. you are a special author, Whenever I see some pages of your book on Instagram I feel like you are talking to me or you describing me .
Natalia Yousif from USA
ويييي حرفيا عااااا بعيط كنت داخله اصلا اشوف نزل ولا لسه وحرفيا مبسوطه جدا كل م بيحصلي حاجه حلوه بسمع ان اكستاسي نزل مثلا يعني لما عرفت ان الحزء التاني خلاص هيتباع كان يوم عيدميلادي و اخيرا اشريت و قريت بالكامل
أسماء بولسنان من لبنان
أحب عالمك وابداعك وتعبيرك وتدقيقك ب ادق التفاصيل صح تاخرت بس طلعت ورجعت رجعه قويه جداً اهنيك والله من اعماق قلبي قدرت تكسب حب وجماهير وقلوب عالم الي قلته ي عبدالهادي م قدر احد يقدر يوصلهه الا الي شاف كتابك وتعمق فيهه صدقت من قلت الهوس الابدي
عبداللة من مصر
I love this book!! After reading it, changed me literally. I am not afraid of the darkness and I love every word written in this book. It made me cry as to how this everything the author said was real and close to the heart.
Nida abidi from UK
One of the most wonderful book I've ever seen its a rare beautiful fantastic and super amazing!
Mais Darawsheh from Germany
Ecstasy is not a book is a world, a dark world full of different feelings ❤ And it's the art by itself. Everything in it is interesting and attractive!
Mona Aidoud from Italy
ماشاء الله ماشاء الله هالكتاب عليه اقبال بشكل!! جميييل جداً وتفاصيله دقيقه.. والي جذبني بذا الكتاب عن غيره انو تغليفه الكتاب مقاومة للماء .شي مذهل وعجييب يعني حتى لو كان في مطر وان بقرأ الكتاب ماراح تتعفرط اوراقه ولا شي .صدق صدق كتاب ثمييين
ابتسام العماري من الإمارات العربية المتحدة
الكتاب يجعلك تعيش معه اجمل الاوقات و ياخذ القارئ لخياله مما يجعله دافع ليستمر في احلامه♥♥
راقيه الاحساس من السعودية
تصميم الكتاب فخم و فريد من نوعه، أعجبتني فكرة الكتابة باللغة العربية و ترجمتها باللغة الانجليزية تمكن من تطوير مستواك اللغوي و اكتساب مفردات و معاني جديد لقاموسك اللغوي. دون أن ننسى رسالته الهادفة
سحر الملكي من فلسطين
I feel like this book is the thing my life was missing and after having it I feel like it's part of me 🙁
Sarah from Algeria
I loved the book so much , when i read it i felt like he was talking to me and speaking about me . I also liked the idea of writing in two different languages . Black world was always my home thank you for making this world Shiner
Alyssa from Australia
كتاب اكستاسي ...لا اعرف كيف اعبر عن مدى حبي واعجابي لهذا الكتاب لانه فعلا كتاب رائع بكل مافي بالكلمة من معنى احببت كل شئ فيه اللون الرسوم والكلمات احسه وكانه جزء مني وكأن صديق قديم يعرف عني كل شئ اشكر الكاتب على كمية المشاعر والاحاسيس التي وضعت في الكتاب
أمل من سلطنة عمان
his is truly a masterpiece. I never thought an Arab author would create something which no one in the world has created. The words in this book touch your heart, every day is magnificent and you can relate it to your life. I would recommend everyone this book!!